Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, 30/07/08Needless to say, today is also a day for model making. I stayed in the studio for a while to draw what I wanted to cut. And this time, I stayed in the workshop for quite a long time as I had alot of materials to cut. Although I'm a DNT student in the past, but I'm still not sure of how to use those machines there. Or in fact, I've forgotten. Luckily, there's the technician and Steve to guide me. I finally finished what I wanted to cut on that day with the help from them. I'm still not very sure what I've done so far is on the right track or not. I've got so many small little pieces of materials to take care of. I'm wondering how am I going to finish the final model before the dateline.

7:03 PM
Monday, 28/07/08 Basically for today, I stayed in the studio for some time and think of how to do the final model. I did have some idea on how to do, but I'm afraid that my idea won't work. I'm still not very sure on how to make the model. But I've thought of what materials to use. I've decided to use thin plywood and transparent acrylic. Thin plywood will be the walls, paveways and ceilings, while the transparent acrylic will be the staircase or any other things to link the way. After that, I went to buy materials with my friends. I can't remember the name of the place, or in fact I don't really know what place is that. Actually I didn't buy any materials as my father said that he will help me buy. Hope I can get all the materials as soon as possible so that I can start making my model soon.
6:55 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, 25/07/08We started off today with a movie. At first, I'm surprise that there's actually movie for us to watch. Therefore, I'm wondering what will the movie be. It's called "Labyrinth", and its some sort of fantasy movie. I don't like fantasy movie, that's why I'm a bit sleepy during this movie. Halfway through the movie, Kelly said that our new project has something with this movie. Therefore, I opened my eyes big and watch this movie.Then there was the briefing of the next coming project. Our new model is 400mm X 400mm X 400mm big. This is quite big. We no longer can use paper, cardboard, masking tape and those we had used in the previous models. Now, we can only use real materials like wood, plastics and metals. Our main objective of the project is to make it like a maze in "Labyrinth". We have to base on either rendered, patterned or toned tessellation to make the "Labyrinth" model. After briefing, we need to display our ZO cards model on the table and if there's anything we don't know, we can consult the lecturers.We need to pay $6.60 to get the wood for the 400mm X 400mm X 400mm frame model. We were given 16 tiles free for the other part of the project. The wood came in long sizes. Therefore, we need to measure and cut it in the workshop. Cutting wood in the workshop makes me think of the days when I was in DNT lesson during Secondary School. We actually took a long time to cut it. After that, we went home. 

5:01 PM
Wednesday, 23/07/08Basically, there's nothing new today. All of us continued on our models. For those who haven't start on the ZO cards model, they continued improving their 3D model. For those who had done the ZO cards model, they tried out new things to improve on it. For me, I haven't finish my ZO cards model. So I contine to fill up the spaces available with stairs and patterns.Before going home, there's a video for us to watch. The video is all about design elements like shapes, colours and textures. The people in the video is quite funny or in fact, scary. But after all, I did learnt something from the video.
4:49 PM
Monday, 21/07/08For today's drawing class, it is all about two point perspective. I find two point perspective easier to understand than one point perspective. Even the plotting of two point perspective is also easier than one point perspective. But to me, I don't know why I feel that drawing a picture of two point perspective is more difficult than one point perspective. I had a hard time to visualise. This time, instead of rendering using colour pencil, we are to use different tones of grey marker to render. This is very challenging and much more difficult than rendering using colour pencil. After lunch, its model making again. The lecturers wanted us to write our names on the whiteboard in groups and consult them. Different groups will have different time. For this consultation, we need to bring the three models we maked during the weekends and let the lecturers have a look and comment on it. From that consultation, the lecturers will tell us whether we can carry on to the next level of making models or not. Luckily, I managed to proceed to the next level of model making.The next level of model making is much much more challenging. We had to visualise and think alot. We had to plan which patterns to make it be the walls and plane. And because my patterns isn't those curvy curvy things that connects, the lecturers suggested that I use transparency as my stairs. It is very interesting to have transparent stairs.So, I started to cut out my tessellation patterns from the ZO cards that we were told to bring today. And after that, I started to plan. After planning, school ended. So I bring back home and do.

4:10 PM
Friday, 18/07/08Starting of lesson today, we are to bring out the satay sticks we brought and make a 100mm X 100mm X 100mm cube. The satay sticks is very hard, therefore I need to use alot of force to cut. After that, we took out the four tessellations that we've chosen from a big tessellation. Choose one tessellation to start. We can anyhow place the tessellation patterns. But we need to make sure that there is a side that will look like the original tessellation. At first, I find it difficult to do, maybe because my patterns is hard to connect to the cube. But after that, i learnt that we can use fishing line to make it float in the cube. This makes my life easier. We were told to finish three models during the weekends and bring them to school on the coming Monday.
3:59 PM
Wednesday, 16/07/08Nothing new today. All of us continue on the rendering, toning and patterning of our three tessellations. Before we went home today, there's a lecture. I can't really understand. Maybe next time I will understand. As this lecture is also posted in the Blackboard, I can refer to it anytime when I need it.
3:50 PM
Monday, 14/07/08During the drawing class today, we were taught on one point perspective again. This time, Yong Sheng focus more on the rendering part. For our level, he said that we should be rendering until the pictures look real, which includes the shading, lighting and textures. He said that we should not be colouring like what small kids do. We should be rendering.Before we start to render, we need to go out of the studio and find a one point perspective to draw. I went to the nearest corridor and drew that. I used too much time on drawing, so before I can start rendering, the time is up. I have to go back to the studio. Therefore, I have to finish up the rendering part at home.After lunch, we started to either render, draw patterns or tone our 3 tessellations. In fact, we had to do all three, but we are to choose one to do first. I start on the drawing of patterns first. Kelly told me to line weight some lines to make it look better. Indeed, it is much more better.
3:16 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday, 11/07/08Basically, we just do our tessellations. I find it difficult to make tesselltions using my patterns. Or I should say no matter how i place, the tessellations look alike. I only uses simple combinations. Therefore, I consulted the lecturers. After the consultation, I tried a very differernt combinations. And the result is, it doesn't looked like a tessellation. =/ So, I tried a few more conbinations.
8:31 PM
Wednesday, 09/07/08Today, we started on a new project. A few days ago, we were told to choose a favourite section in our ontography drawings, zoom in and print it out. From the start, we need to draw a square of 100mm X 100mm in the middle of a paper and then cut it out. From that, we got a frame. We are to place the zoomed in ontography paper behind the frame and move to find a spot that we think is nice and interesting within the square.After that, we placed a piece of tracing paper on it and draw out what we've seen. Again, place another tracing paper on it and draw what we've seen with the lines touching the edges and sides. That is 1. We need to make sure that there's layers in the drawing. Draw the mirror of 1 and it is underscore 1. Change the layer of 1 and it turns to 1a. Draw the mirror of 1a and it is underscore 1a. We are to repeat the same sequence to make 2, 3 and 4. This means that we will have 16 tessellations at the end of making 1, 2, 3 and 4. Paste the 16 tessellations on an A1 paper. We need to make 3 tessellations of 400mm X 400mm each on A1 paper.
7:39 PM
Monday, 07/07/08We learnt about one point perspective today. In the morning, we had a lecture from Yong Sheng. From the lecture, I could only understand a little, as it was my first time listening to the lecture of one point perspective. Therefore, I got to ask my friends to explain to me before we start to plot out a one point perspective. After all the explanation, I'm still blur. So, my friend teaches me as she plot. From there, I understand more, but After lunch, the lecturers told us about an artist name MC Escher. The lecturers focus more on one of his drawings, which is a very interesting drawing. That drawing has alot of staircase which is in different directions. It seems that if we were in the drawing, we will surely have the difficulties walking the stairs. This is how interesting the drawing is.I'm shocked that the lecturers wanted us to make a same model as him, using the ZO cards that we've brought. We got three options. First, we can do this in a group of three. Second, we can do this in pairs. Or, we can do this alone. My friends and I plan to do this in pairs. We started to visualise and plan. Visualising MC Escher is really really very difficult. My partner and I spent alot of time on visualising.After a long time, we finally planned. But by that time, school going to end soon. We stayed back a while after school to do more. Before going back home, my partner and I had already choose which side we going to do at home. After doing it at home, we then bring it back to school and stick the sides together. 
6:54 PM
Friday, 04/07/08Today, the director of school design came to gave us the last lecture. It seems to me that the last lecture is more understandable. Somehow I can understand more compared to the previous lectures.We got to pin up our 3D ontography. I saw alot of wonderful work. I can see that everyone did better compared to the first ontography drawing we did.We are told to bring ZO cards on Monday in order to proceed to the next activity. 

6:27 PM
Wednesday, 02/07/08I was late for lesson today. So when I step into the studio, lesson had already started. Kelly was giving a lecture on DESIGN. I can only manage to listen to certain part of the lecture. After that, the director of school design came. AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN, he gave us a hard to understand lecture. We had to pay full attention, as he will still call people up and ask questions. This time, we need to draw 3D ontography instead of 2D. This is challenging, as we need to imagine alot. We need to hand this up on this Friday.
6:01 PM
Monday, 31/06/08This morning, I heard some of the students said that there's only 1hr of lesson today. I was so happy at first. But after that, I was thinking that it's quite impossible cause DS always have the most work to do. And I was right. Not long after this news was spread in the studio, Kelly told us the bad news that the timetable in SAS was wrong and the time for lesson is still the same.After that, we started to have drawing lesson.The director of school design came and give us a lecture. And AGAIN, I couldn't understand most of the part. But the director said that maybe we can't understand now, but soon we will. I hope so. The lecture given by the director is scary. If he found out that you ain't paying attention to him, he will call you up and ask you answer certain question. Phew, I was paying attention and I wasn't called. 

5:35 PM
Friday, 27/06/08I was absent from school as I was sick.
4:38 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, 25/06/08Its another outing!! This time we went to LASALLE. This is the 3rd outing we got since school starts. I've never been to LASALLE before. The courses offered in this school is related to design. And of cause, the design of this school buiding is wonderful!! Almost all the windows there are made in glass. This means that you can see the person which is at the other block clearly. Some of the doors there is interesting too. The most wonderful thing is that we got the chance to tour this school and view the interesting work done by the students there. Below are some pictures that I've taken in LASALLE. There are more, but too much for me to post.

6:30 PM
Monday, 23/06/08Today is the first day of term 2.In the morning, we still had our drawing class. For this drawing class, the lecturers showed us a picture of a bedroom, which is up side down and has only half of the picture. We had to draw that bedroom. After finished drawing the bedroom, we need to imagine the other part of the bedroom and draw it.After the drawing of bedroom, another picture was shown. This time is the picture of a western man. It has been divided into 4 parts and only 2 parts is shown to us. And of cause, the 2 parts is also up side down. Again, we are to draw the 1st 2 part, and then imagine the other 2 and draw. The drawing of western man is more challenging than the drawing of bedroom. For the bedroom, its just the furniture and all that. But as for the western man, we need to draw in every details, so as to make it look like an old western man. At first, the western man that I drew doesn't look alike as compare to the real image. So I started to add in more details and finally it look abit more like him.After lunch, the director of school design came and taught us ontography. The way he wants us to draw is very strange. "don't think, just draw." I was thinking "don't think how to draw?" I'm sure everyone was thinking about this too. Other than the "don't think and draw", he wanted us to place our faces as close as possible to our paper and draw slowly.We really need to do what he said, as he will walk around the studio and check every students whether they did what he say or not. If not, they need to redraw. In fact, some students really need to redraw. I drew so slowly that I nearly fall asleep. I think some students will have the same situation as me. After drawing, we pinned our work on the board. And then, we need to draw another one and pin it up.After that, GO HOME!! 

6:02 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, 30/05/08Its visiting of museum again!! This time, we went to the National Museum and Singapore Art Museum. Unlike the MINT Toy museum, we have to do some work for this 2 museum we visited today. For the National Museum, we have to draw the combination of the old and new things in there. This is quite interesting, as i think that it is also a kind design. For the Singapore Art Museum, we have to draw the building of that place. This is very challenging, as for me, drawing is a big problem. But somehow, i did drew the building of that place, although it doesn't really look like. Overall, I'm really glad that i have the chance to visit three museums during this term. Below are some pictures of Singapore Art Museum I've taken during the outing. 

5:36 PM
Thursday, 29/05/08Its DID festival!! Its good that we got the chance to visit the year 2 and 3's studio. The things that interest me most is those work done by the year 2 and 3s. It is very nicely done, especially those models. All of the models look so professional. It surely took them a lot of time to make. I wonder if i can do as good as them next time when i reach year 2 and 3. But i will definitely try my best to reach the standard.
5:11 PM
Wednesday, 28/05/08We went to MINT Toy Museum today. Me and my friends reached there quite early. Therefore, we sit down there and wait for the others to arrive. I thought that the museum will be quite big. Cause museum to me is like a place that is very big and full of old things that I've never seen before. But I'm wrong. MINT Toy museum is very different from other normal museum. It is small and inside there are full of TOYS!! Those toys that I've never seen before, and yet interesting. All the toys in there belong to only one person. I can't believe that a person have collected so many toys. Some of the toys in there has only a few left in the world. All the toys there are very expensive and some even not for sale. I think the most expensive toys in there is a Mickey Mouse toy, which cost $15000. I'm glad that I got the chance to go to this museum and had exposed to many toys from that past. Below are some pictures taken by me in the MINT Toy museum. There are more pictures, but i guess its too much for me to post all. 

4:56 PM